I was trying to refrain, and to refrain again, meditating
with myself, but sometimes it’s just not possible and one have to speak out. Loudly.
My job put me in a situation to visit Migrant detention center in north Serbia,
small place called Kanjiza. It is nearest spot to EU, right next to the border
with Hungary. I was hard-hearted, trying not to give in on my previous decision
to stay cool, not to intervene. But, God damn it, once a journalist will always
be a journalist, no matter what. So, I
could choose: either to swallow truth, not to speak up, stay still, silent or…to
“spit it” and say it. Loudly. I saw it,
I saw everything, all sides of the story, I was fully aware of everything, even
though to ignore all images, scenes, signs…but no, i could not ignore it. It is
impossible to ignore it.
It’s horrible, complete sadness, desperation, chaos on all
sides… Such a cruel reality over there, all involved sides with no masks moving
around with absolute no idea what to do, how to react, or what is right or what
is wrong. And thousands of people lost, but dedicated to move forward, not
backward. Where to go back?! Maybe eventually they would, but where, for what?!
It’s not just Syria… It’s a life story of all desperate people being sick of
crazy life conditions, unreal circumstances, lost, pain, blood, poorness, but
most of all NO FUTURE, and at the end of a day it implicates NO HOPE. When hope
is gone, than it’s the end!
And it's scary ... it's horrible, because I saw this before,
and I know for sure I’ll see it even more again. Too many refugees, immigrants,
legal or illegal migrants, camps, detention centers, tents, dirty abandoned halls
and schools full with poor people… There were too many for last few decades.
First of all, it’s smelly, bad smell, the air stinks, and
everything stinks, camps, buses, people and most of all politics! Even more
stinks that ridiculous theory of the Great powers which are constantly creating
more and more collateral victims, damages, suffering and all of that completely
unnecessary. All that just because of some imaginary politics of a Great good that
did not brought nothing good to anyone.
Even more horrifying is the fact that all this is just calm
before the storm. Huge storm…. just an
intro of Carmina Burana.
In a meanwhile, retarded Donald Trump is living climax of a
typical American idiocy, autistic introspective Putin is counting his currency
Ruble and Russian GDP, while US puppet the Ottoman Empire is doing all to
prepare new wave of Kurds migrants and refugees to start moving this autumn.
Could you just imagine what it would be like in all those
migrant camp’s sites or centers with blood clashes enemy migrants, fighting
among each other during the day, and being target like in some Delta force
gaming at night. Jesus!
Merkel of justice will continue to play her Big Mother role explaining
to everyone that her neo-Nazi child is only a teenager under hormones. And us?
Balkans? As always throughout history, we will play our role of military border
guards of Maria Theresa Empress of Austro-Hungary, the Hapsburg Dynasty. And we
will be playing this role proudly since it’s obviously the only thing we know
how to do and we’ll be just so grateful to get an award or nickname Lala.
Suzdrzavala sam se i suzdrzavala se, ponavljala mantre, al' da zec zeca, ne mogu....
Bila danas u prihvatnom centru-kampu-za migrante na severu
kod granice sa Madjarskom (Kanjiza) iii....tvrda srca ne dam se, ne dam,
ali kalimero je kalimero, jednom novinar Vazda novinar, gledam i vidim
sve, sve strane medalje iako sve zmirkam, zamagljujem vid, slova, sliku,
ali...izes ga, Vidim!
Kod nas u Banatu kazu: Kakav se ridjov ozdrebi,
takav i crkne.....
Jer, toliko je surove realnosti
tamo, da imam izbor: ili da progutam i ne progovaram, ili da pljunem i
A, strasno je... Strasno je, jer sam i u proslom veku trcala
(doduse sa kamermanima) put izbeglih, raseljenih, migranata, kampova,
prihvatnih centara, satora, hala, praznih skola....i uvek je smrdelo.
Smrdeo je vazduh, smrdela je politika, jos vise nekakva besmislena
teorija velikih sila kojima su kolateralne zrtve, stradanja i stete uvek
nuzne, a sve to zaradi nekakvog imaginarnog Dobra koje nikome nista
Dobro donelo nije....
Strasno je sto je sve ovo samo uzasno zatisje
pred buru...lagani intro karmina burana...a za to vreme Donald
retardirani Tramp dozivljava vrhunac tipicnog americkog idiotizma,
autisticni introspektivni manijak Putin broji rublje i GDP, dok americke marionete Otomanskog carstva pripremaju jesenji talas kurda...
Zamisli tada sta ce
se desavati po kampovima, krvni obracuni migranata danju, jedni izmedju drugih, a nocu uz zicu
i prugu igrica Delta Force...
Merkelova ce da glumi majku koja pravda
svoje neonacisticko dete kao zbunjenog tinejdzera koga drmaju hormoni. A
mi? Balkan? Kao i vazda kroz istoriju igramo svoju ulogu vojske
granicara Marije Terezije srecni da radimo jedino sto znamo da budemo
vojnici zahvalni na brosu i nadimku Lala...

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